‘Vibrant Mind’ @ PSC Elsene
'The Vibrant Mind: Exploring Mental Health Through Artistry' is a pan-European project committed to empowering individuals living with mental health conditions through the expressive power of art. This project creates a platform where artists dealing with diverse mental health conditions can showcase their work across a variety of venues throughout Europe, from traditional galleries to patient organisations and more.
To celebrate the Vibrant Mind’s arrival in Brussels, GAMIAN-Europe in collaboration with KAOS and Psycho-Sociaal Centrum Elsene, and with the guidance of Sven unik-id, will be holding an opening night event with artists and mental health experts from across Europe on the 13th of June between 19:00 and 21:00 CET at PSC Elsene.
There will be a number of different speakers throughout the evening ranging from policymakers and shapers through to artists and those with lived experience who will share their thoughts on all things mental health and art related. The full list of speakers and programme will be confirmed shortly.
Please note that their are limited places available and to be respectful of the fact that there are patients who reside in the venue.
Live music, snacks and drinks will also be provided.
Thursday June 13, 19:00 - 21:00 CET
@PSC Elsene, 102 Gewijde Boomstraat / 102 Rue de l’Arbre Bénit, 1050 Brussels
beeld (c) Jason Albertini